
Is the Gym Worth it?

is a gym membership worth the cost_

I can honestly say that I HATE paying $47.00 a month for a gym membership that hardly gets used.  I have a one year old and that makes it difficult to go, and I don’t think I’d trust a gym daycare to watch my son even if it had one.  Maybe I’m overprotective or whatever, but I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on my workout because I’d be too busy wondering if my son was ok.  So I’m cancelling our gym membership this month.

At our current membership rate it will cost us $564.00 a year to continue “utilizing” our membership.  I never go anymore because of the aforementioned scenario.  My husband goes every now and then but I’m sure he will make due without it.  I have found a way to actually USE what I’m paying for, and that’s home workouts.  I used to do Jillian Michaels DVDs and those are good options too, but I like a lot more variety so I have found my fave thing to be Beachbody on Demand where I can stream TONS of different workouts at home for only $99 a year.  Uh.  Let’s look at those savings.  Saving $465 a year by cutting our gym membership and going the Beachbody on Demand route.  I will take those savings ALL DAY.  I also love their shakes, but it’s not everybody’s thing.  Keeps me from hitting up Starbucks everyday so that cost evens out for me.  As good as it makes me feel I’m not willing to cut those out.  BUT…if you’re interested in the on demand workouts, I’ll post the link below.  Also, if shakes ARE your thing, I’ll post those links too just in case.  What do you do for workouts other than the gym?

Beachbody on Demand

Superfood Shake

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