budget, cable, financial, money, saving money

Cloth Diaper Experiment Continued

cloth diaper experiment

So I have tried a few cloth diapers now, and so far my favorite are MamaKoala pocket diapers with their microfiber insert.  I double up and put in their microfiber and my charcoal bamboo insert if we are going to be out of the house for awhile.  I’ve only had one leaking incident so far, and that was probably because I didn’t have the diaper on tight enough, but it was an Alvababy diaper, and honestly I don’t care for them as much as the MamaKoala diapers.  I posted a link below if you’re interested in trying out the MamaKoala brand.  It’s the perfect price for experimenting with cloth diapers to see if it’s going to work for your lifestyle.  I have some Flip diapers coming in the mail next week, and I think they’ll be a little more convenient for when we are out and about.  I’ll catch up with you on that after I have a little time trying them out.  For now, sticking with the MamaKoalas and rocking the cloth dipes.  I haven’t made the leap to cloth wipes, I’m not sure if it’s worth it honestly.  But this whole budgeting thing ain’t going so bad either.  I’m actually having fun trying to come up with ways to cut back and save money.  Cancelling cable today and switching providers (mainly because I hate our current service with Cox Cable and we don’t watch cable like…ever).  Switching to AT&T internet and saving us about $120 a month.  Not too shabby.

Naturally Natures Cloth Diaper Inserts 5 Layer Charcoal Bamboo Reusable Liners – insert – for Cloth Diapers (Pack of 12) (Grey) liner

Mama Koala One Size Baby Washable Reusable Pocket Cloth Diapers, 6 Pack with 6 One Size Microfiber Inserts (Aloha)

Flip Hybrid Reusable Cloth Diaper Cover with Adjustable Snaps and Stretchy Tabs – Fits Babies from 8 to 35+ Pounds (Stellar)

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